open from 10:00

Canopy walkway walkway: open from 10:00

National Park Centre NP-Centre: open from 10:00

Baumkronenpfad - barrierefrei


Barrier-free travelling means travelling with comfort. This is something that is not only wanted by people with disabilities, but also by families with prams or by guests who are not really good on foot any more. The canopy walkway and the adventure worlds in the National Park Centre are designed to be completely barrier-free.

Logo Reisen für Alle - Barrierefreiheit geprüft
Der Baumkronenpfad und die Erlebniswelten im Nationalparkzentrum sind vollständig rollstuhlgerecht gestaltet.

For people with walking impediments

The canopy walkway can be reached via an elevator (lift door dimensions: w/h: 0.9 m/2.10 m). The walkway itself is laid out with a smooth wooden floor and has only a slight incline, which is easy for wheelchair users to master. Only the observation tower is only accessible by stairs.

The adventure worlds "Discover the secrets of the Hainich" and "The Root Cave" are also accessible to wheelchair users.


People interested in nature with hearing or vision impairments as well as people with reading difficulties can experience and enjoy the secrets of the "Root Cave" and the "Hainich World Heritage Site" to the full in the National Park Centre. The completely barrier-free media guide makes it possible.

Offers for handicapped people:

  • Sign language (international sign) - Video
  • Easy language (for people with reading difficulties) - Audio
  • Living speech (for visually impaired people) - Audio

Available Languages:

  • German
  • Englisch
  • Dutch
  • Polish
Der vollständig barrierefreie Media-Guide.

The media guide can be used very easily with your own smartphone. Tablets and headphones are also available as rental equipment.